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Competition Interactive-Virtual Sports provides industry-leading virtual content such as horse racing, greyhounds, mixed martial arts and car racing enabling wagering through land-based casinos, racetracks, betting shops, online, and mobile operators. Our world-class “live” racing engine delivers the most compelling playing experience available on the market. We provide fixed odds and Pari-mutuel events. Our Pari-mutuel products are based on our patented virtual event simulation technology that has been productized into a market leading virtual racing system, mobile, and social gaming platform.

virtual horse racing on laptop screen


Handicap-able Virtual Racing

Our flagship product, Winner’s Circle, is a sophisticated live racing system that mirrors real-world racing.  With Winner’s Circle, we distribute one race globally via betting shops, casinos, tracks, and online. The races have been distributed over four continents and are currently in 9 languages.  Our virtual races are wagered on via fixed odds, Pari-mutuel, and exchange wagering systems.

Please contact us to license a virtual racing and sports product.

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two cars racing

Other Virtual Sports

We are committed to growing our casino partners business. We view sports books as the connection point for the gaming world for Millennials and Generation Z. As such, we are focused on delivering the following types of content:

  • Best-in-class “traditional” virtual sports content in partnership with the leading developers from around the world.
  • Next-gen video game content like our upcoming product Running Rich Racing: Sports Book Edition.

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Success requires more than just good looking virtual sports… Our associated mobile platform provides:
  • In-casino mobile betting and handicapping
  • Immersing casino patrons into live events as owners of the horses, fighters, and cars that are competing in the events
  • Player involved contests
  • Social, casino, and marketing tie-ins
  • Engagement at all levels of gaming customer life cycle
  • Multiple new revenue streams for casinos
  • Continuous engagement after leaving Las Vegas via social app and rewards
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We are looking for talented, energetic, creative, and determined people that are interested in creating new gaming experiences that will engage people in new and exciting ways. Contact us if you are interested in changing how people think about sports books, virtual sports, gaming, and have the skills to back it up.
